wo 20 jul

Dit evenement vindt plaats tussen 21/06/2022 - 02/10/2022

Hele dag, NDSM Loods

ASCENDING tijdelijke gemeenschappelijke ruimte voor bezinning, reflectie en troost


ASCENDING – common space for reflection, solace and wonder

ASCENDING is a large, temporay architectural installation assembled of living plants and natural materials: jute, wood and steel. The 15 meter high construction hangs from the steel beams of the NDSM Loods, a former shipbuilding warehouse that for the last 20 years has housed an artists and makers community.

Created by Balthasar Prinsen, Sarah Payton and Thomas Akerboom, ASCENDING is free to visit seven days a week from June to October in the NDSM Loods.

Makers statement:

“We believe that art has transformative powers that can change, open and deepen our view of reality. ASCENDING touches on current issues that we see as urgent: the need for togetherness and community in a time of far-reaching individualization; the link between past, present and future; the desire for meaning and the need for awe, beauty and admiration. ASCENDING investigates the relationship between physical and metaphysical space and explore the extent to which art and architecture can contain transcendent functions.

The large empty space at the back of the NDSM Loods is often seen as a cathedral. The pioneers of the artists community saw the intrinsic value of this ’empty’ space in which the layered history of the former shipyard is still tangible. In this industrial cathedral, ASCENDING takes the place of the choir, the most sacred space and the location of the altar. However, ASCENDING is not affiliated with any specific religious movement.

The dimensions and proportions of ASCENDING are inspired by the principles of Gothic architecture, which itself is based on even older Islamic structures. In the jute panels that enclose the space of ASCENDING, symbols have been incorporated that refer to so-called sacred geometry, ancient mathematical principles of beauty and harmony. The growth and eventual death of the plants during the course of the installation reflects the natural cycle of the seasons and of life and death. In the center of ASCENDING is placed the mysterious symbol the Sri Yantra, which is more than 5000 years old and symbolizes the origin of the universe.

In the space of ASCENDING we will also invite others to perform or show their work or perform. See the other listings in the Noord Agenda!

Follow ASCENDING on instagram and facebook


Architectuur, Beeldende kunst

