do 06 jul

Dit evenement vindt plaats tussen 22/06/2023 - 22/07/2023

12:00 - 18:00, Treehouse NDSM

‘Hear All Voices’ Exhibition


June 22nd – July 22d       Opening times: Thursdays to Sunday,  12h to 18h      Free entrance

Hear all Voices is an exhibition developed by Treehouse NDSM in connection to the topic of the Over Het Ij festival held on July 14th to 22nd in NDSM. This year, Over Het Ij is giving a voice to a young generation of makers who question the changes in the city of Amsterdam in relation to the political, ecological and economical crisis. Theatre is a good medium to give voices to artists, but what are the other devices that allow hearing the voices of any citizen? Through this exhibition we would like to question how our democracy supports or does not support the participation of every citizen in it.

For too long our ways of government have remained unchanged despite the weaknesses they have shown in terms of inclusivity, accountability, transparency, environmental-responsibility, and social and climate justice. Exploration and experimentation through art can bring new imaginaries that may serve as a starting point to build better systems. Sometimes the dialogue between inhabitants and local powers can be challenging. Is it possible to make all voices heard? What other ways can we think of to better involve people in political decision-making? Would it be possible to include our senses and intuition instead of only our intellect?

PARTICIPATING ARTISTS: Ornela Alia, Lies Aris, Olga Butenop, Flock Company, Antoni Hidalgo, Leslie Lawrence, Rucha Kulkarni, Jennie E. Park, Marcella Perrusquia,  Gina Peyran Tan, Ana Pinho, Jean-Michel Rolland , Judith Segers, Sophia Simensky, Helga van Stralen, Mathias Vico Persson, Kirill Zakomoldin & Lova Yu.


More info


Audio, Beeldende kunst, Film, Mediakunst

